Thursday, May 18, 2006

Career survival skills are not taught in college, so you need to learn some things on your own. I just got done with annual performance reviews of the people who work for me, and it was an eye openner. One person had produced a work force planning system that is now regarded the best such system in NASA, and it is being applied throughout my laboratory. Over the last year, he sent me exactly one email documenting an accomplishment, and that was on behalf of a friend of his. He never created a single record of his own accomplishments. The lesson here is that you must make your good work well-known. This is honest PR. To do anything less is extremely high risk to your career. I mentioned the Life Orientation Course earlier in this weblog, where each person works out the 21 departments that can organize their life. The employee who had done so much and reported so little is actually trying to make a career on only 5 departments. People with less tallent who operate on 21 departments will pass him by on the road to success.